(425) 440-3555 Call Us for Regenexx Information or to Schedule an Appointment regenexx@orthoregenerative.com

Dr. Attaman is pleased to offer Regenexx SD, the most advanced regenerative injection procedure in Bellevue and Seattle.

Regenexx SD uses your own bone marrow, which contains stem cells.

The purpose of Regenexx SD stem cell treatment is to help heal damaged tissues and joints instead of suppress symptoms or deaden painful nerves. There are several advantages to Regenexx procedures such as:

  1. It is a holistic approach to pain relief. Tissues may be healed and regenerated in many cases. This can mean a long term solution.
  2. Regenexx is very minimally invasive. No scalpels are used. Everything is done with needles and ultrasound or x-ray machines. All Regenexx SD procedures are done an an outpatient basis without a hospital stay.
  3. Regenexx utilizes only natural substances such as your very own bone marrow
  4. Regenexx SD may be a viable alternative to joint replacement surgery and other surgeries.
    1. It is ideal for young patients with damaged joints who are deemed too young for joint replacement
    2. It is ideal for patients who are not candidates for surgery but who have failed all other non-surgical treatments

You can learn about it below:

What are Stem Cells?

It is well established that a significant population of our bodies’ stem cells are contained within our bone marrow. By harvesting blood and tissue from the bone marrow space of the hip, an injectable product can be produced by concentrating cells withdrawn through a simple outpatient needle aspiration procedure, done with local anesthetic and light sedation. Regenexx SD stem cell treatment contains all of the growth and healing factors, along with concentrated “pluripotent” or stem-like cells which further contribute to the regenerative process.

What conditions can be treated with Regenexx SD?

Spine Pain

Intervertebral Disc Injuries (degenerative disc disease)
Facet Joint Arthritis (spondylosis)
Sacroiliac Joint Arthritis (sacroilitis)


Knee Pain

Tendon Injuries (Patellar Tendonitis, Quad Tendon)
Muscle injuries
Ligament sprains or tears (MCL, LCL)

Hip Pain
Muscle pain or injury
Pyriformis syndrome
Greater Trochanteric Bursitis
Tendon Injuries
Sacroiliac joint pain
Hamstring tendonitis or tears

Shoulder and Arm Pain
Rotator Cuff tendonitis, tendonopathy or partial tears
Bicipital tendonitis
Medial and Lateral epicondylitis (golfers & tennis elbow)
Ulnar Collateral Ligament sprain or tear

Lower Leg and Foot Pain
Plantar Fasciitis
Shin Splints
Peroneal tendonitis
Ankle sprains/ligament injury
Achilles tendonitis or partial tears

Treatment Process

Following a formal evaluation and diagnostic workup, an individualized treatment plan will be discussed with you. A full explanation of the procedure including risks and benefits will be reviewed. Once written consent is obtained, bone marrow aspiration is performed in your hip region. The bone marrow is placed in a special processing device, which concentrates the bone marrow stem cells. The including stem cells are then concentrated and collected into a sterile syringe:

The skin and soft tissue is anesthetized with local anesthetic, followed by injection of both the Regenexx SD stem cells and activator into the tisue targeted for treatment. Depending on the size of the injured tissue, one or several needles are inserted to optimize placement of the product. All injections are performed using “image guidance” via ultrasound or x-ray fluoroscopy for safety and accuracy. Watch the below video to see what you will experience.

Treatment plan

Depending on the severity and duration of your injury, one to three injections are suggested. Following the initial treatment with BMC stem cells, a follow up visit occurs 3-4 weeks later. At this visit an evaluation of your response to the initial therapy is performed and a decision is made regarding the need for additional Regenexx SD stem cell treatments. In general, chronic injuries often require 1-2 injections. In both acute and chronic injuries, injections may be combined with an exercise or physical therapy program to enhance the success of the treatment.

Are Regenexx SD stem cell injections safe?

Research and clinical data show that Regenexx SD stem cell injections are extremely safe, with minimal risk for any adverse reaction or complication. Because the injectable products are produced from your own body, there is no concern for rejection or disease transmission. There is a small risk of infection from any injection into the body, but this is rare.

What to expect after your treatment:

Often, following the initial injection, an “achy” soreness is felt at the site of injury. This “soreness” is a positive sign that a healing response has been set in motion. This effect can last for several days and gradually decreases as healing and tissue repair occurs. It is important that anti-inflammatory medications such as Ibuprofen, Naproxen and Aspirin be avoided following Regenexx SD stem cell treatments. These medicines may block the effects of the intended healing response facilitated by the injection itself. It is acceptable to use over the counter pain medication, such as Tylenol and in some cases a prescribed analgesic, which does not have anti-inflammatory properties, to control discomfort as needed. Pain management options will be discussed with you by the physician managing your treatment plan. You will be permitted to resume normal day to day activities and light exercise following injection. We suggest that you avoid strenuous lifting or high level exercise for at least several days after injection.

How do I find out if Regenexx SD stem cell treatment is right for me?

Questions regarding Regenexx SD stem cells or your candidacy for the treatments can be addressed to Dr. Attaman. We would be happy to review a brief history of your problem via telephone in order to determine if a formal evaluation is warranted.


This health care practitioner performs one or more stem cell therapies that have not yet been approved by the United States food and drug administration. You are encouraged to consult with your primary care provider prior to undergoing a stem cell therapy.

Selected References
1. Anitua E, S. M., Nurden A, Nurden P, Orive G, Andia I. (2006). “New insights into and novel applications for platelet-rich fibrin therapies.” Trends in Biotechnology 24(5): 227-234.

2. Mishra A, A. J., Anitua E, Andia I, Padilla S, Mujika I. (2007). “Treatment of chronic elbow tendinosis with buffered platelet-rich plasma.” Am J of Sports Med 34(11): 1774-1778.

3. Moojen D, E. P., Schure R, et al. (2007). “Antimicrobial activity of platelet-leukocyte gel against Staphylococcus anreus.” Journal of Orthopaedic Research DOI: 10.1002/jor.20519.

4. Sanchez M, A. E., Azofra J, Andia I, Padilla S, Mujika I. (2007). “Comparison of Surgically Repaired Achilles Tendon Tears Using Platelet-Rich Fibrin Matrices.” Am J of Sports Med 10(10): 1-7.

5. Foster, T. E., Puskas, B. L., Mandelbaum, B. R., Gerhardt, M. B., & Rodeo, S. A. (2009). Platelet-rich plasma: From basic science to clinical applications. The American Journal of Sports Medicine, 2259-2272.

6. Fortier, L. A., Potter, H. G., Rickey, E. J., Schnabel, L. V., Foo, L. F., Chong, L. R., Stokol, T., & Cheetham, J. (2010). Concentrated bone marrow aspirate improves full-thickness cartilage repair compared with microfracture in the equine model. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, 92(10), 1927-1937.

7. Fortier, L. A., Barker, J. U., Strauss, E. J., McCarrel, T. M., & Cole, B. J. (2011). The role of growth factors in cartilage repair. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, 469(10), 2706-2715.